Jeff Adkins Painting

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Sealing Your Deck

Sealing your deck with Thompson’s WaterSeal is a vital step in protecting it from the elements and preserving its beauty and longevity. Thompson’s WaterSeal is a popular choice for sealing decks due to its effectiveness in repelling water, preventing UV damage, and resisting mildew growth. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps […]

Mold, do I have it?

Determining whether you have mold in your home and what to do about it involves several steps. Here’s a guide to help you identify and address mold issues: 1. Signs of Mold: 2. Mold Testing: 3. Addressing Mold Issues: 4. Health Concerns: 5. Regular Maintenance: In summary, identifying and addressing mold issues in your home […]

Our Online Approval & Customer Portal

Our online customer portal is a user-friendly platform that allows customers to access important information and interact with your painting business seamlessly. Here’s how the online customer portal works: 1. Account Creation:Customers create an account on the Drip Jobs online customer portal by providing their contact information, such as name, email address, and phone number. […]

White Glove Clean when we are Done!

Providing a white glove cleaning service at the conclusion of every painting project is more than just a gesture of courtesy; it’s a testament to our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. At the heart of this service lies a deep understanding of the importance of attention to detail, respect for our clients’ spaces, and […]

Painting your Gutters & More

Painting gutters and metal overhangs is a straightforward yet crucial maintenance task that can enhance the appearance and longevity of your home’s exterior. Whether you’re refreshing the existing paint or applying a new color, proper preparation and application techniques are key to achieving professional-looking results. Here’s a step-by-step guide to painting gutters and metal overhangs:

Watch for us at the 2024 Home & Garden Show

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